Evernote Asana Integration


  1. Evernote Asana Integration System
  2. Asana Evernote Integration
  3. Evernote Google Calendar Integration

Using Zapier to Sync Evernote and Asana. Another integration that I’ve really enjoyed is syncing Evernote with Asana. Every time that I have an idea for a new blog post or video, I just create a new note in Evernote. Check out my video all about creating swipe files and idea gardens in Evernote. In order to plan ahead, I used to sort through. Evernote and Asana excel at different things and I've used them together for team collaboration. The key is to use Asana to track and communicate about tasks and to use Evernote for project notes. The main thing I'll say is this: have one Evernote notebook for every Asana project, and it should have the same name.

cloudHQ can do two-way or one-way sync between any two of your cloud accounts - in real-time.
This is not a simple sync - it is the most advanced cloud-to-cloud sync on the market:
  • cloudHQ sync is real-time. This means that as you as you modify a document those changes will be instantly replicated - no delay.
  • cloudHQ sync two-way: which means that files can be changed on both cloud accounts and cloudHQ will ensure that these cloud accounts are in sync.

Syncing and integrating your cloud accounts via cloudHQ has the following benefits:

  • cloudHQ greatly simplifies collaboration because our real-time two-way sync can sync emails, files, notes, and projects between multiple cloud accounts such as Gmail, Google Drive, Box, Egyte, Dropbox, Evernote, Basecamp, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Office 365.
  • cloudHQ sync will protects your business against cloud service interruptions. All your data will be stored in multiple cloud accounts ready for file restoration or failover.
  • cloudHQ sync will consolidate your data in the cloud since you can sync and integrate all your cloud accounts into one central cloud account.

Evernote Asana Integration System

About Evernote
Evernote is one of the most popular note taking application in the world.

Asana Evernote Integration

IntegrationThis powerful note taking application makes easy to capture ideas, images, webclips, and anything else you need to remember. Evernote can bring your life's work together in one digital workspace—available on all major mobile platforms and devices.
And there is also Evernote for Business: you can create notes to share with your team!Integration

Evernote Google Calendar Integration

You can make your Evernote much more powerfull by integrating it with the other apps you use (or your company uses). For example, cloudHQ can sumc your Evernote with SharePoint, Evernote, Gmail, Google Drive, etc. Or cloudHQ can backup your Evernote.

As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols. We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.
We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!

To Integrate Asana and Evernote with DreamFactory, book a demo with DreamFactory. DreamFactory is an open source API gateway that can handle all of your customized integrations. Drive genius 4.

What is DreamFactory?

DreamFactory is the premier API lifecycle management platform. It eliminates duplication of effort in code development, documentation, and testing by allowing you to model your application easily and create fully-documented REST API. This enables agile application developers to build, deploy and maintain new applications faster.
DreamFactory's capabilities go well beyond integrating APIs with a wide range of authentication providers. Additional security-related features include:

  • Automated API key management
  • Granular role-based access controls, allowing you to restrict APIs to specific endpoints and even limit access by HTTP method
  • Request volume limiting on a per-service, per-user, and even a per-endpoint basis
  • The ability to extend endpoints using custom scripting, allowing for data masking, input validation, geofencing, and much more

What is Asana?

Asana is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work. The Asana API provides a means to programmatically read information in Asana, input information into Asana, and create automations within Asana.
With the Open API, information stored in Asana can be integrated into web-based or native applications built for iOS, Android, or the desktop.

What is Evernote?

Evernote is an app designed as a place to brainstorm, outline, collect, create and share your ideas across all of your devices, anywhere, anytime. Users can use Evernote to; Jot down ideas & create to-do lists, save photos, receipts & snapshots, create task lists & reminders, or collect sets of notes in notebook stacks.
Evernote is a web-based application and uses the Evernote desktop and mobile apps to work across many devices. Evernote seamlessly syncs your information from all devices so you can find them anywhere while keeping your data secure.

Integrate Asana and Evernote with DreamFactory now! It's just one click away

To speak with one of our integration experts, book a demo with DreamFactory, or request a demo using the form below. Tuxera disk manager. You can also get started right now by registering for a 14-day free trial.