Redmine Slack


webhooks/push notification

I am looking for features like webhooks or push notification in redmine to post the messages to slack.
someone please guide me.

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Replies (1)

Redmine vs Slack - See how these Project Management software products stack up against each other with real user reviews, product feature comparisons and screenshots. Find out which one is. The best free integration of Redmine with your messenger tool. Messenger plugin for Redmine with Slack, Discord, Rocket.Chat and Mattermost support. It notifies your chat server when something happened in your specific Redmine projects. This plugin is a fork of redmineslack, redminemattermost and redminerocketchat. この記事では「 Redmineの更新をSlackに通知する方法とは?おすすめ方法を2つ解説!!

RE: webhooks/push notification - Added by Federico Daguerreover 4 years ago

Hi eidiko,

I'm about to release a very first version of a custom slack command /redmine

This is what I have so far:


/redmine <command> [options]

Available commands:

/redmine connect <redmine-url> <user-key>

This will connect your Slack account with your Redmine account

/redmine todo

This will return what you have to do ;)

/redmine issue <id>

This will return available information of an issue

/redmine issue <id> status [status]

This will return or set the status of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> priority

This will return or set the priority of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> assignee

This will return or set the assignee of an issue

/redmine issue <id> target Audacity 3.0.0 download.

This will return the target of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> subtasks

This will return the subtasks of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> related

This will return the related issues of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> comments

This will return all the comments of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> comments last

This will return the last comment of an issue.

/redmine issue <id> time

Driver for logitech mouse for mac. This will return the logged hours in an issue

/redmine issue <id> time add <hours> <comment>

This will log the hours in the issue with the comment specified.

Next steps will be webhooks to post into slack channels. All this code will be Free Software. If you are really interested and if you want the development to be addressed quickly and have a release as soon as possible, you might consider the possibility to make a donation.




integration with slack


I want to use redmine with slack, so I installed the plugin.
A noti is well reached at slack, but the link of noti has wrong address.

for example is right address but the link of noti has address without port number,

So please help me to solve this problem.
When I requested to a help to slack, I heard that this is not official integration, so this is solved by plugin.

Replies (11)

RE: integration with slack - Added by John Paul Dominikkamover 5 years ago

Hi ,

Redmine Slack Login

Once installed the plugin in redmine


1.Login slack
2.Goto services and click incoming-webhook
3.Select the channel which created in slack click add incoming webhooks integration
4.Generated API link get the link and configuring in redmine
5.create customfield for slackchannel and enable in projects
Its work fine

RE: integration with slack - Added by kyoungmin leeover 5 years ago

Thank you for you reply.

Can you tell me about number 5?

I don't know how to set the custom field for the slack channel

RE: integration with slack - Added by John Paul Dominikkamover 5 years ago

Hi ,

Please goto Administration new click custom fields create issue object create text customfields and assigned to projects


Redmine slack


RE: integration with slack - Added by kyoungmin leeover 5 years ago


Integration with slack is well finished.
But when I click the link of notification reached, it is redirected to the redmine address without port number.

RE: integration with slack - Added by John Paul Dominikkamover 5 years ago

sorry i can't get your question?

RE: integration with slack - Added by kyoungmin leeover 5 years ago

for example,

Redmine Slack Bot

1. I create an issue.
2. slack channel receive a notification
3. I click the notification
4. internet explorer redirect to '' and 404 error page show

Redmine slack key

Redmine Slack Github

# when I click the notification, internet explorer should be redirected to ''¶

RE: integration with slack - Added by John Paul Dominikkamover 5 years ago

If receive the notification in slack channel it should work , i don't know where u missed please check one more to your configurations

RE: integration with slack - Added by kyoungmin leeover 5 years ago

Redmine Slacker

It resolved.

I changed the listener.rb'

RE: integration with slack - Added by John Paul Dominikkamover 5 years ago

Nice good job

Redmine Slack Free

RE: integration with slack - Added by Alex Alexover 4 years ago
With youtrack we can use @user_name for push-notify in slack. Can we do the same in Redmine?

RE: integration with slack - Added by Matthew Paulover 2 years ago

FYI I just wrote a plugin which allows you to open slack directly from the issue watchers if you are interested in looking at that
