SnapGene enables an easy and secure way to plan, visualize, and document everyday molecular biology procedures. With an intuitive interface, the software enables DNA sequence visualization, sequence annotation, sequence editing, cloning, protein visualization, and simulating common cloning methods. The software also enables documentation and sharing of data.
Key Software Features:
Snapgene Tutorial
- SnapGene makes your DNA manipulations easy to visualize and simulate, and alerts you to errors before they happen.
- Every DNA manipulation in SnapGene is automatically recorded, so you can see exactly what you did and retrieve the sequences of ancestral constructs.
- SnapGene’s .dna files can be opened by the free cross-platform SnapGene Viewer, enabling you to share richly annotated maps and sequences with colleagues.
- SnapGene automatically generates a record of every sequence edit and cloning procedure, so you won’t lose track of how a construct was made, even after a lab member leaves.
- SnapGene supports a host of file formats. As a result, your scientists can switch entirely to SnapGene without losing data, or can continue using legacy software together with SnapGene without conflict.
Create or Open a Reference Sequence Use the SnapGene cloning tools to create your predicted sequence. Open the 'reference' file in SnapGene. In this example we. User Guides SnapGene Agarose Gel Simulation Simulate a Restriction Digest. Simulate a Restriction Digest. How do I simulate an agarose gel for a restriction digest? Specify the Sequence for Digestion To specify the sequence, expand the Lane N menu, then choose the desired file. How can we help?
Snapgene Registration Code
Training & Resources:
As a service to the research community, SnapGene provides tutorial videos along with a library of carefully annotated plasmids, along with guides to popular cloning methods.
CCRLicense Access:
SnapGene can be requested using the NCI at your Service portal:
Meeting LINK:

Helen Shearman, PhD, Senior Field Application Scientist, will be presenting a one-hour overview demonstration on SnapGene. SnapGene offers a fast and easy way to plan, visualize, and document your everyday cloning procedures. It makes cloning easier, improves communication, and provides a record of DNA constructs. Helen will be demonstrating how to create plasmid maps, perform cloning, design primers and simulate PCR, and produce alignments.
SnapGene Features:
- Molecular Cloning – restriction cloning and more
- Primer Design
- PCR and Mutagenesis – simulate PCR…
- Enzyme Sets – by company or cutter, detailed enzyme information
- Convert File Formats – GenBank, Lasergene, Geneious
- Agarose Gel Simulation – restriction digests and PCR amplification
- Features/ Annotations – common features, alternate codons
- Translations – ORFs, proteins and more
- Alignment – DNA sequences with a reference sequence
- Visualizing – Multiple views of a DNA sequence